On this blog http://lebfashion.blogspot.com I discovered the great fashion of Lebanon. The dresses are like out of another world ans I want to tell you about it!!! So I searched the Internet about lebanese fashion design and found so many beautifull things that I can´t wait telling/showing you!!!
At first there are the amazing creations from Antoine el Kareh.He doesn´t spare with fabric, that´s so great. I love long dresses with whide masses of fabric!
On this picture I love the healthy look of this lebanese Model.

So much fabric :)

Isn´t this a great photo????
Here you see the creations of Tony Yacoub. About the lebanese fashion shows I love that the Models look like Ladies and not like tiny little girls
And you can see more that that...
Well, I would prefere to wear something under the jacket in everyday life, but i think it´s a sexy photo ;)

And here is the provement, that a woman can be a beautifull Model AND able to wear a bra!
Haha :)
Not to speak about that amazing dress!!!!

realistic legs and fine fabric.

Here you see beautifull ladies in amazing dresses.
Kate Moss would look like a child beneeth them.

So much great, shiny fabric again!!! I love that colour.

Tony Yacoub is one of my favourites now, because he has a fine sense for covering a womans body and I think in his creations every Lady would look great.
If you want to know mor about lebanese fashion go to this blog:
Wow this blog is beautiful. All of those dresses are to die for.
AntwortenLöschenI cannot thank you enough for the award. It means so, so much. The feeling I get when I recieve an award is so magical. To me, it shows that my work is paying off. That, is the most important thing of all.
xx A xx
Your blog is gorgeous, as are you, what a lovely person you are. :)
DAs 5. Foto und auch das Kleid sind wirklich ein Traum!!!
AntwortenLöschenDas fünfte und das letzte Bild sind der Hammer!
AntwortenLöschenOhmygosh! What beautiful designs. I'm ashamed to say I never imagined any Lebanese designers, but this is amazing.
AntwortenLöschenCompletely gorg :)
Hi! Thank-you for the compliments on my blog - I'm here to return them! I love the Lebanese fashion - for my textiles project at school I chose India and used sari's as my inspiration- the colours, fabrics and embellishments are so beautiful, aren't they?
AntwortenLöschenI sorted the problem with the Follower's link, I didn't realise it had disappeared! Whoops!
Thanks again :)
This is SUCH a beautiful post!!!
AntwortenLöschenThanks for the sweet comment at my blog :)
following yours now xx